New Chrome Version Shows Security Warnings for No SSL

August 29, 2017 // Sandy Edwards

There is only one constant when it comes to the internet, and that is change. Individuals, however, do not always keep up with what is changing online and neither do some businesses, to a point. There are always more security changes, website updates, and new methods to keeping everyone’s information online, safe. Sometimes businesses have to weigh the cost of making these changes versus the income they will see from the implementation. Sometimes, the numbers do not add up. From the introduction of 2-factor authentication to website security protocols, the security world online is an ever changing echo system.

This is one thing that Google has mastered and the specific change being referenced today is actually there to keep consumers safe online. According to Google Search Console, (tool developers use to communicate with Google) starting in October of 2017 additional warnings will be given to consumers and users of websites that are not using a Security Certificate (SSL) or sites that are not https. This measure is being taken to pressure businesses into taking the security precautions that are needed in today’s online economic marketplace. This technology is not new and has been around since 1994. It is just recently with e-commerce at an all time high and growing that Google sees the necessity to get all sites moved over to this secure protocol.

What Happens in October?

If you do not move your site to SSL or HTTPs anyone on your site will see this:

The warning is there to tell users to not enter data because the site is not secure. Everyone wants their client base to trust them. Not having SSL is the perfect way to ruin trust on the first impression.

If you do have SSL installed, you will see this:

This shows clients and website users that your site can be trusted. It is secure, and you care about their data, security, and business. SSLs will establish trust from the very beginning.

What is an SSL Certificate?

An SSL Certificate stands for Secure Socket Layer. In other words, it is a certificate that provides a 2 key encryption setup. This allows all data being sent from a website to the server to remain secure in its transmission. This is an integral part of any website requiring payment, login, or private data submissions. This will protect your clients from having their information stolen while shopping on your website, entering their passwords, or even providing you their personal information. Not having SSL is opening up your clients for potential damages. HTTPs is a sign of trust in today’s online marketplace.

How Do I Get An SSL?

Today, most website hosting companies provide SSL options. Most of the larger hosting companies provide free SSL options through Let’s Encrypt. These free options are just as powerful as the expensive ones. Unless you have a specific use case for more security than the free option is what you need. Data Driven Labs provides free SSL with all of our hosting plans and we set it up for you so that you do not have to worry about it. For more information on setting up your SSL with your specific host, you can reach out to them directly.

If you have any questions on getting your SSL setup or want to switch to a company who has your back, reach out today!

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Sandy Edwards

Sandy is Co-Owner of Data Driven Labs and has been working in the digital marketing space for over 6 years. She loves to give back by teaching kids about coding, WordPress, and other technical skills all around the world.


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