Top 3 WordPress Security Plugins

July 31, 2017 // Sandy Edwards

Security is a big concern for everyone in the online world. It does not matter if you have a static website, a CMS like WordPress, or even using a service like Wix; security should be a concern. Here is a list of the top 3 WordPress Security Plugins and what they do to help your site. Keep in mind, some hosting providers include some of these services with your package. Also, your maintenance company might include some of these features as well. Make sure to check that you are not doubling up or undoing the work of your paid services.


This is a Malware prevention plugin. This plugin will work hard in real time to prevent brute force attacks, spammers, and even countries traffic. This is especially useful for people who run e-commerce stores that know they do not want to do any business outside of the USA. Another benefit with this plugin is that it will audit your site security including users passwords. Overall this plugin can be helpful. They will also clean your site if it does have malware, but this plugin is not free and neither are the monthly services, but it is very beneficial.


“Complete Website Security” is the first thing you see landing on the homepage. Let me tell you, they mean it. From cleaning a hacked website to preventing future attacks the Sucuri team knows what they are doing. They specialize in keeping your site clean and making sure you know where your site is vulnerable to attacks. They pride themselves in not hurting your website performance while protecting your site.

iThemes Security Pro

iThemes takes security one step further by doing everything the above-mentioned plugins do and more! They have an added layer of protection that includes hiding your admin page, changing WordPress salts & keys, and even an Away mode for when you don’t make changes to your site all the time. The iThemes team works hard on making things more secure so that you can rest easy knowing if there is an issue they will let you know.

As you can see there are a few great security options out there to keep your site secure. These are all paid options, but worth their price. A lot of maintenance and hosting companies will include these services, so check with your maintenance provider to see what they provide before diving head first into setting this up. Don’t have a maintenance provider? You are in luck, we can help! Need someone to set this up for you? We can do that too! Liked this article? Let us know so we can provide more great information regularly for you!

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Sandy Edwards

Sandy is Co-Owner of Data Driven Labs and has been working in the digital marketing space for over 6 years. She loves to give back by teaching kids about coding, WordPress, and other technical skills all around the world.


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